Monday, July 6, 2009

Christmas in July

Check out the new section in my etsy store, Christmas in July. Throughout the month I will be adding some fabulous holiday cards & gift bags; be sure to stock-up now before they're gone! Thanks for stopping by!

4th of July Recap

I hope everyone had a fun & safe holiday weekend! After a fabulous dinner of turkey brats & fresh corn on the cob, my boyfriend and I watched several different city's fireworks from the dock on Lake Calhoun here in Minneapolis. We got there around 9:30 and got a perfect spot before it got too crowded. Unfortunately my attempts to take pictures of the cool fireworks ended up looking like a big blob :( ; however, I did get some good pictures from the dock when we first got there. It was a beautifully cool night and I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!